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Harleyville, SC -- Retired Lieutenant Colonel Harriet Holman announced on February 19 that she is seeking the South Carolina State House District 102 seat. The current Dorchester County Councilwoman would be the only black Republican woman serving in the South Carolina State House.


“I am a fighter. I served in the military, for 28 years, defending our country. I have fought for what my constituents want, while on County Council, and I do not back down and cave. House District 102 deserves someone who will fight for us - and will defend our culture, our values, and the district,” said Holman.


“Faith, family, and love of my country have always been my guiding principles. I want to be able to take that mentality to the State House to serve District 102 and make a difference by upholding the values we cherish most,” Holman added.

Holman, in announcing the bid, highlighted several recent votes of current Representative Joe Jefferson:

  • Jefferson voted against the Save the Women’s Sports Act, which banned boys from playing in girls sports;

  • Jefferson voted against the Help, Not Harm Bill, which protects children from radical philosophies by adults on gender reassignment surgeries and other actions;

  • Jefferson has voted many times to restrict South Carolinians' Second Amendment rights.

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Holman has a Bachelor of Arts degree from Jackson State University and a Master of Business Administration from Claflin University.


Holman, and her husband Herman, have made their home in Dorchester County for more than 14 years after both retiring from the military. They have been active supporters of initiatives in the community, including supporting the Department of Disabled Veterans, American Legion Post 128, Dorchester Heritage Center, St. George Rotary Club, the St. George Rosenwald School and Dorchester Habitat for Humanity.

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